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Over 20 years ago, our founder dreamed of a log cabin in the woods. On a journey through the forest on a golden Aspen day, he found one sitting abandoned on the mountainside. This was once a place of dreams and family memories, and he set his mind and body into action to make that place live once again.
Over the next 2 decades, he taught others to do the same, and in 2016, 8650 Restoration was born.
Inspired by the teachings and the sanguine philosophy of life taught in Conrad Meinecke's 1943 book,"Your Cabin in the Woods," Jeff set out to teach a love for logs and wood. A commitment to excellence and craftsmanship. A love of cabins in deep forests, and the care of those Cabin People who cherish and inhabit them.
The ownership of log homes and wood sided cabins is not for the faint of heart, so some have said.
Until now.
For decades, traveling painters and stain crews have solicited mountainsides, canvasing and peddling the idea that these homes had to be stained at least every other year, putting homeowners not willing to scale a 40 foot apex on a wobbly ladder at the mercy of a "blow and go" crew.
Thin coats of stain were applied, bringing brief joy. Then, the sun and snow did their work, leaving the home dull and dry and the homeowner shelling out more cash to have the whole stain-cycle repeated.
8650 Restoration has changed all of that.
We offer our services with a careful and thoughtful approach to ensure you realize your vision of how your home's finish coats should be.
We are not "Stainers."
We are not "Painters."
This is not about beer and cigarette money.
This IS about a dedicated crew of log home pros showing up promptly in the morning with the knowledge of our founding philosophy of "If everything that you do with your hands is art, then you are an artist."
Our log home restoration experts have a combined goal of making your log cabin better than it was new.
Modern log home restoration and application techniques are utilized in every aspect of your restoration, and by using great products, such as Sashco, we can say with confidence that your home will look and last better than it did when it was new. Whether your log home was built in 1876 or in 2016, Team 8650 will make your cabin a head turner again, and a place you love to go to enjoy yourself, instead of worrying about working on it.
That's why we're here.